Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


As a marketer I will ask what is your objective for doing an OOH? If you are looking for brand building and awareness yes ooh is the right solution If you are looking for immediate leads and traction then it’s a big no-no. Other factors which will help you in choosing are: Geography? Cost of the product or location? Logistics?
Thanks for A2A if you have a page on Insta or Facebook or any other social media channel you pay through a credit card for the ads which you run to create awareness or leads for your page/website.


No that's called creative inspiration however can't say about how people will perceive you (think about Pritam and Anu Malik) 🙂 happy copying.


Facebook won’t show you ads just because you have searched something on google, it will start showing you ads once you have searched on google and then have been to a website. This process is called re marketing, once you land up on a website you leave cookies there and then Facebook can identify a user and track him/her using this cookie and shows you this ad.
Yeah, it is already the next big thing in online marketing by understanding users’  behaviour pattern of a consumer marketers can target specific topics to interest a user and create content for them.


There are multiple ways to so that depending on your skills If you can write start a blog If u can act and create videos start a you tube channel If you can do stand-up comedy start that Approach brands and they will start paying you when you create content for them In short add value in brand life and they will add cash in your life 🙂


Well think From her perspective why would you advertise a start-up for free and then decide. If she is active on any of the social channels try contacting her or befriend Siddharth Malhotra ☺
The rate at which Digital Marketing is growing and other advertising is dying, its definitely a great field to be in. you can choose multiple career options in digital marketing like SEO, social media, content, blogger, media planner and buyer etc.
Digital marketing has a great scope not just in Pune, but across borders, if you already have an experience in IT with 10+ years I would suggest you move to the technical side of digital marketing rather than hard-core marketing. this will help you leverage your 10 + years’ experience as well.
Well, consumer behaviour has been changing every decade and it keeps on changing every single minute. You don't know what or how your consumer is going to behave at one point of time. There is no sign which can tell you exactly how your consumer is going to act e there might be multiple Trigger points, situations in which consumer will behave differently so don't call it a consumer Behaviour I call it as a human behaviour. I don't even call it B2B or b2c marketing I call it H2H marketing which is human to human marketing. Think about how a human will he behave the same every time he falls into situation?? Having said that digital marketing can still predict some of the consumer behaviour but exactly not always. In digital how we work for any kind of consumer is we create multiple personas. For all my target audiences for all my consumers. Say for example, if I am talking about an 18-year-old girl who is online to buy a t-shirt how will she buy her behaviour also depend on: 1. Time of the day 2. The device which she is using 3. Location If she is in her college, she'll be using a mobile phone what were the time of the day so she will be using a mobile phone in her college between let's say 9 to 5 these trigger points can change her behaviour of purchase. when she is in her college she will not have much time to choose, so the search button should work perfectly fine. she should not land on a black coloured top when she is searching for a red coloured that will lead to a drop out. with increasing digital technology, consumers are becoming more restless, choosy and demanding when they make a purchase.
Idea + Execution + Great Advertisement and sales I would not suggest you to go to a company and sell your idea there, because even if your idea is great they might just take that idea and give it to their agency to execute it.
Print media unless you are publishing it in a newspaper of magazine which hardly anyone reads.
Marketing always works on the trend of the culture. There was a time when people used to travel and be outdoor, at that point of time OOH was the biggest marketing channel. Newspaper readership skyrocketed then with the advent of radio, it became the biggest advertising puller, and next came T.V, and the advertisers moved to television. Which is the Platform where you spend maximum of your time today, think and you will know the answer.
Digital Marketing your product or services online and then reaping benefits of it. Some of the benefits include
  1. low cost.
  2. faster results.
  3. wider reach.
  4. Analysis based on data and not gut instincts.
It depends on what is the objective of your business, however some of the most commonly used services are
  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. SEO
  3. Paid Media
  4. Influencer Marketing.
  5. e-Mails
  6. Analytics
This question is a little like asking who’s more important in the upbringing of the child? Farther or the mother? You can come up with an argument for either but the reality is that both are vital to the child’s overall development. The same can be said for SEO and PPC. One is necessary for organic brand affinity, domain authority and a wholly formed online presence. While PPC provides you an ability to target based on demographic, behaviors and keywords. SEO is a long-term investment PPC is short-term investment CPC is increasing day by day SEO + PPC (do it parallelly and do more on festival seasons) SEO replace PPC
You cannot compare SEO and SEM as SEO is just one discipline encompassed by SEM (Search Engine Marketing). SEM includes PPC and SEO.


SEO actually is an acronym which stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is basically a tool used by designers to make their website more appealing and attractive to the people and hence to the search engines like Google that visits these sites to index and rank them. All this is done to increase the organic (i.e. Unpaid) traffic to that page. SEO has been around since the early days of the web and has changed a lot with the passage of time.
You can increase your search engine traffic by improving the quality of your content, byoptimizing your content, organizing your site’s structure, and by saying no to black hat techniques.
There are a lot of SEO software packages out there like HubSpot and Moz Pro, and they all have their advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on your needs.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a never-ending process. SEO will not be dead in 2018. In fact, it is still one of the most cost-effective inbound marketing methods to employ for online businesses.NO
As we have told earlier, SEO is always changing. But the biggest change is its continuous shift toward the mobile devices. Mobile digital media time is now significantly higherthan desktop digital media time, and the number is set to continue to grow. And because of this, Google made mobile page speed a ranking factor.
  1. Create a list of starting terms.
  2. Expand your list using keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner.
  3. Refine your list with competitive research.
There are several places to put your keywords, but the places to put them is the title, the content and on your services pages.
Yes, it can affect SEO. HTTPS is essentially a more secure form of HTTP. HTTPS is faster than HTTP which can affect click-through rate. Changing to HTTPS will most certainly have a positive effect on your ranking.

Thank you for your a2a

Although I've never use the trade India but I think IndiaMART is a better website in terms of promotion in terms of branding and also in terms of website traffic which comes on the website I have used IndiaMART twice or thrice for some research so I think IndiaMART should definitely be preferred as compared to trade in India.

Link building is an SEO strategy by which an SEO expert acquires links to boost a page’s link equity and hence its ranking and therefore its traffic. Both internal and external link building can help boost page authority, but external link building is harder than the internal link building.
Robots.txt is actually a text file within your website’s top-level directory. It instructs search engines how to crawl your pages.
Improve engagement to improve rankings Make your existing pages longer Focus on YouTube SEO Improve site speed Focus on topics instead of keywords Build backlinks Reporting and analytics Technical optimization Local SEO and Listings Guest posting
Links are actually the hyperlinks that connect one page to another. Link building is an SEO strategy by which an SEO expert acquires links to boost a page’s link equity and hence its ranking and therefore its traffic.
No, redirect won't affect SEO as all the qualities of the redirected page will be passed on to the detour page.
A follow link is one that helps boost a web page's ranking in the search engine result pages, while a nofollow link does not affect a page's ranking whatsoever.
A website’s domain authority corresponds directly to its ability to rank in the search engine.
Anchor Text is actually the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink
SEO helps the search engine find you. SEO makes your site more visible and transparent to the search engines. Google has a page rank system, which is similar to a point system in which they add and deduct points from you. SEO works by increasing your points and connecting your site to the search engine.
Crawling is the process performed by search engine crawler while searching for relevant websites on the index.
End of spammy content and keyword stuffing. The death of link schemes. The rise of local SEO. The emergence of Knowledge Graph. Mobile prioritization.
Internal links are nothing but the links that come from within the same domain. External links are the links that don’t come from within the same domain.
There are two types of SEOs. On Page SEO and Off Page SEO.
A site map is a list of pages of a web site.
On-page SEO is the practice of optimization of individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines.
Keyword research is a very critical component for search engine optimization. When used correctly, keyword research provides a roadmap for both the design and execution of building websites and developing content. The first step of keyword research is Brainstorming of potential keywords. After that, select the most relevant keywords. And then you can analyze volume and competition for the keywords.
Link building is actually the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own site. Guest Posting.
Submit your website at It is the safest way to start your indexing.
Off-page SEO refers to techniques that can be used for the improvement of the position of a website in the search engine results page (SERPs).
SEO is a slow process. It usually takes six months to one year to get the results from SEO.
The Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base developed by Google to be used by its services to enhance its search engine's results with information gathered from a variety of sources.
Yes, it does. By sorting your pages into categories, you can prevent individual pages from competing with one another.
Google Search actually uses automated programs called spiders or crawlers, and also like other search engines, Google has a large index of keywords from where those words can be found. It uses a trademarked algorithm called PageRank that assigns each web page a relevancy score
  1. Penguin
  2. Panda
  3. Hummingbird
1)Keep All Software Updated 2)Build Layers of Security Around Your Site 3)Switch to HTTPS 4)Use Strong Passwords, Change Regularly 5)Make Admin Directories Tough to Spot
Making sure all your pages are internally linked. Improving your site speed. Building links to the right pages. Optimize your design and meta description and title tag to increase your click-through rate. Work on your social shares.
  1. Content quality and quantity.
  2. Backlinks.
  3. Mobile First.
  4. Page speed
  5. Schema code
  6. Brand Power and social signals.
  7. Domain Power.
  8. HTTPS
  9. User Experience
Domain authority is nothing but a measure of the power of a domain name and is one of many search engine ranking factors. You can increase it by optimizing your page.
Website speed affects bounce rates. Hence, it does affect search engine rankings.
Yes, it does affect your Google search ranking.
Using tools like Keyword Position checker.
You can find issues with your site by availing to paid reports and website checking services.
1.SEO brings quick business success 2.SEO is affordable 3.SEO enhances profitability 4.Create brand value 5.Reputation management
1) Use keywords in your title. 2) Use long-tail keywords in your description. 3) Give appropriate name to your video file. 4)  Use the Closed Caption (CC) Feature in Your Video on YouTube. 5) Use researched tags.
Competitor research is an ongoing process in which you continue to deepen your understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. You can do this by performing SWOT analysis.
A search engine results page (SERP) is nothing but the page displayed by a search engine in response to a query by a searcher.
A long-tail keyword is a keyword phrase that contains at least three words and are used to target niche demographics rather than mass audiences. Which means that they're more specific and often less competitive than generic keyword terms.
As long as the search engines exist, SEO will not die.
Voice search is a speech recognition technology which allows users to search by saying terms aloud rather than typing them into a search field.
AdWord is an advertising service by Google developed for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network.
Mobile SEO refers to the search engine optimization of websites combined with immaculate viewing on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.
Google AdSense is a program run by Google which allows the publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements which are targeted to site content and audience. You can make money by placing appropriate ads within your content. The ads should resonate with your content, or no one will be likely to click on them.
The bounce rate is the percentage of all users who enter and exit the same page without clicking to any other pages on your site. You can reduce it by improving your content’s readability and getting rid of all the pops. You need your website to be neat and clean and clutter free.
Google Suggest is a Google search engine function that provides suggestions to users to complete the search query while they are entering words in the search box.
Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service which provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and other marketing purposes.
Backlinks are the incoming hyperlinks from one web page to another website. The best SEO resources are blogging platforms like guest blogging and content sharing.
AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. A rich snippet shows extra information between the URL and the description.
An SEO strategy plan is a blueprint for the Search Engine Optimization activities. One can easily create an SEO strategy plan by using several templates available online.
Robots.txt is a text file created by webmasters to instruct the search engine robots how to crawl pages on their website.
Sitelinks are additional links that appear beneath the main URL for a brand or publisher when you search for it on Google. They deep link to other pages within the publisher's site, and are designed by Google to help users navigate your site.
Latent semantic indexing keywords (or LSI keywords) are nothing but SEO terms for related keywords or synonyms.
Local SEO is a tool developed by Google to help businesses promote their products and services to local customers at the exact time.
TrustRank helps Google and other search engines like it to combat web spam. TrustRank measures so-called “trust signals” which help Google to evaluate whether or not core ranking signals like links and content are legitimate.
301 redirects are the permanent redirects from one URL to another. 301 redirects shuttle the site visitors and search engines to a different URL than the one they originally entered into their browser or selected from a search engine results page. Canonical URL is the search engine friendly URL that the publishers want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is a URL that the page owners want visitors to see.